Monday, November 8, 2010


After reading Briana Zak post “Food Stamps getting the Boot” I have to say I was very informed on this topic. I think she wrote a very informative post, I can tell that she did her research on the subject and did a good job on the delivery on the blog. It was a good post on a subject that affects a lot of Americans and government, very good job.  

Friday, October 29, 2010

Our Homeland Security

Recently the Unites States discovered suspicious packages that contained what they are calling “explosive materials”. The Packages where suppose to be delivered to places that practice Jewish Worship in Chicago. One of the packages where discovered in the UK and another similar package in Dubai, where they described as ink cartridges with white powder and “sophisticated” wiring. Ups and FedEx are suspending all operations out of Yemen until further notice citing security reason. There have been reports that they are looking to more packages of interest, but what does this all mean for the US and our national security?? Would we have reason to worry? Is an attack on our country soon going to happen?? Obama himself has said that the illegal group Al-Qaeda is behind this and is still planning attacks against us. It seems to me that we are still very vulnerable and could be faced with a difficult challenge of trying to protect ourselves against a terrorist act. So what does this mean for our military? Does the government put more pressure in the Middle East? Continue spending on a war that has gone on for years now, and increase violence on our borders that have people wondering should we focus more on that than to continue to fight the Al-Qaeda. In my eyes we have made big strides in controlling the situation but people are growing tired of hearing and dealing with the war. The government needs to come up with a solution to the problem to keep the trust and faith of US citizens. Understandably it is a difficult task to tackle because if we bring the troops home and get attack it will look like a failure and cause a bigger problem in the US. Only time can tell what happens but hopefully a good ending comes about and we can live in a country where we feel safe again and attacks on our country will be a thing of the past.  

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Absorbing the Pain

It seems like everywhere you tune in to watch TV, listen to the radio talk shows or magazines there is always an attack on our president. What is everyone so mad about?? Is it the bad economic state our country is in, the fact that we are fighting wars wasting millions on supporting this cause? Or maybe it’s the promises of change and speeches of taking this country back to the top. With people in panic mode they want change now. After reading an article by the author Jon Kraushar of Fox News, I am starting to see why people’s frustration with the government and most of all the president of the United States Barack Obama is growing by the minute. It seems like the author is trying not to get the attention of republicans or democrats but really just the American people to get them to open their eyes. He’s trying to tell people that Obama is not really looking out for everyday citizens but looking out for union leaders and wealthy Americans. In my opinion the author uses a lot of emotion in his article. For example he uses a lot of quotations, hard facts and punch lines to make a dramatic impact on your opinion. He also plugs in the midterm elections in November and that is where he is trying to persuade you in changing your vote by ending his article with “If you vote in the November midterm elections, consider whether you prefer to "absorb" or reject the pain Obama keeps dishing out.” I do have to say that I can’t really agree or disagree with his article because honestly I don’t follow politics much but I must say that words can be a big factor if used correctly. See I saw Obama speak when he came to San Marcos and talked to the students making promises to us about giving us $2,000 dollars for school. He won so many students over using the power of words. I fell for it and voted for him thinking it would benefit me but have yet to see the payoff. I do see that the author did a good job in writing this piece on his thoughts on Obama.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Unemployment in our Country

Has unemployment affected any of you? It is a known fact that unemployment has affected each and every one of us. In today’s job market it is difficult to maintain a full time position and has left many asking themselves question such as, “How am I going to support my family? When will I find a job? What is our government doing to fix the economy?” According to the Wall Street Journal, several of the top economists in the nation predict that we can see improvement by the year 2014. This article also states The Obama administration and the Congressional Budget Office that our countries unemployment rate is at a 9.6 % and could possibly fall to 5.5% by 2014. In my opinion I feel like we could get this problem fixed if we really tried, and looked at government spending and maybe cut back on programs and other things that help the wealthy and not the average American citizen. If we went back to the ways of the past and look at when America was at its best, I am sure that we can get there once again!!!!!!!!
